Welcome to the ETC 2024 Cracow page. We are delighted to host you at this celebration of Fantasy Battles: The Ninth Age and Flames of War tournament communities and competitive wargaming hobby.

Both T9A and FoW will take place under one roof simultaneously at the TAURON Arena Kraków venue.


TAURON Arena Kaków

Stanisława Lema 7 street

31-571 Kraków

The dates:

August 2-4, 2024 – European Team Championships

31 July-1 August, 2024 – T9A European Singles Championships

August 1, 2024 – FoW European Singles Championships


You will find all useful information here and in the subpages of this section. This page will serve to book tickets to the event, hotel rooms and more. We will provide you with tourist information and tours offer, getting around ideas, some merchandise and more.

All information about the rules as discussed and published at the dedicated discord servers:

Flames of War: https://discord.gg/MYckbCwK

The Ninth Age: https://discord.gg/8NdeKRqR

We are looking forward to meeting you in Cracow mid-summer 2024!



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